Jumat, 22 Mei 2015

Verb Phrases & Tenses

Defintion :
A verb phrase can be the predicate of a sentence or a clause. In this case, there will usually be a helping verb in addition to the verb.
Ø  The author is writing a new book.
Ø  I must make an “A” in this class.
Ø  The dog might eat the cake.
Ø  He was walking to work today.
Ø  We grew apart after high school.

How about the phrase function in a sentence ?
A phrase is a group of words that have a function in a sentence, but do not have a subject and verb. If it had a subject and a verb, it would be a clause.
Phrases can function in the sentence like nouns, adverbs, or adjectives.
Four of the main kinds of phrases are infinitive, participle, prepositional, and gerund. Here are definitions and examples.
  • Infinitive: These phrases start with an infinitive plus a simple form of a verb. They can act like a noun, adjective, or adverb.
    • She wanted to show off her new dress. The whole phrase is what she wanted, so it is acting like a noun. 

  • Participle - This phrase will act as an adjective and begins with a participle. A participle is an adjective that has been made from a verb, like talked or swimming.
    • We have to replace the window broken by the hail. The phrase modifies the noun “window”, so it is functioning like an adjective. 
  • Prepositional - These phrases start with a preposition and have an object of that preposition. They function as adjectives or adverbs.
    • The plane will fly over the clouds. The phrase tells where the plane will fly, so it is acting like an adverb.    
  • Gerund - These phrases act like a noun and start with a verb ending with an “ing”. They can be subjects or objects.
    • Lying to the IRS is never a good idea. The phrase acts as the subject in this sentence.

Phrase Functions as an Adverb or Adjective
Some verb phrases have a single function which means it can act like an adverb or an adjective. The phrase would include the verb and any modifiers, complements, or objects.
  • Texting on his phone, the man swerved into a ditch.
  • As the cat watched, the two puppies fought over a bone.
  • The small dog was reluctant to learn new things.
  • When he arrives, we can try to build a fort.
  • Finally, we can afford to buy a new house.
  • Walking on the ice, she slipped and fell.
  • Open the door to let the fresh air in.
  • To make lemonade, you first need some lemons.
  • It takes two people to tango.
All of these different verb phrases demonstrate how the dependents of the verb provide important useful information for the reader about the action in the sentence. Verb phrases help to make your text more informative and meaningful and they are essential to clear writing.
 Example :
Ø   She smells the pizza. (active)  The wet dog smells awful. (linking)
Ø  He appears on screen as an actor. (active)  Tony appears angry. (linking)

Phrases will be explained, as well as sentence structure, and examples will be offered for all of them.  


Bentuk-bentuk waktu yang digunakan dalam bahasa inggris. Yang akan dipaparkan disini diantaranya yaitu tentang Past tense, Present tense, Future tense.

1.       Past Tense (Waktu Lampau)
a.      Simple past tense
Untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau kegiatan atau peristiwa yang terjadi pada waktu tetentu di waktu lampau.

Rumus :              S + Verb II + ...                                 (+)
                        S + did + not + Verb I              (-)
                        did + S + Verb I                                    (?)

Keterangan waktu yang sering digunakan adalah :

                        yesterday                                =  kemarin
                        last month                               =  bulan lalu
                        last year                                  =  tahun lalu
                        last week                                 =  minggu lalu
                        last monday                            =  senin lalu
                        last night                                 =  tadi malam
                        the day before yesterday        =  kemarin dulu
                        yesterday morning                  =  kemarin pagi
                        an hour ago                             =  sejam yang lalu
                        every day last year                 =  tiap hari tahun lalu
                        a fornight ago                         =  dua minggu lalu

                        example :
                        (+)        We went to Hongkong last year
                        (-)        We did not go to Hongkong last year
                        (?)        Did we go to Hongkong last year ?
b.      Past Continuous Tense
Untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang sedang berlangsung pada waktu lampau ketika kejadian lain terjadi.

Rumus :           S + to be (was/were) + ( Verb I + ing)            (+)
                        S + to be (was/were) + not + (Verb I + ing)                (-)
                        to be (was/were) + S + (Verb I + ing)             (?)

Dimana :            S = I, he, she, it   ------------   was
                        S = you, we, they -----------   were

Keterangan waktu yang sering digunakan adalah :

this morning                            = pagi ini
last night                                 = tadi malam
when                                       = ketika (diikuti oleh Past Tense)
shile                                         = selagi (diikuti oleh Past Continuous Tense)
as                                             = ketika
all day yesteray                       = sepanjang kemarin
the whole day last Monday    = sepanjang hari senin lalu

Pemakaian :
1.       Untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang sedang terjadi pada waktu tertentu di waktu lampau.

(+)        He was getting up at six o’clock yesterday
(-)        He was not getting up at six o’clock yesterday
(?)        Was he getting up at six o’clock yesterday ?

2.  Untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang sedang terjadi di waktu lampau ketika kegiatan lain terjadi

(+)        When I came home, he was reading a book
(-)        When I came home, he was not reading a book
(?)        When I came home, was he reading a book ?

3.   Untuk menyatakan dua kejadian terjadi pada waktu bersamaan pada waktu lampau.

(+)        He was reading a book while I was sleeping
(-)        He was not reading a book while I was not  sleeping
(?)        Was he reading a book while was I sleeping ?

c.       Past Perfect Tense
Untuk menerangkan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang sudah selesai dilakukan pada waktu lampau

Rumus :           S + had + Verb III (been) + ...              (+)
                        S + had + not + Verb III                       (-)
                        had + S + Verb III                                 (?)

Tanda waktu yang sering dijumpai dalam bentuk ini :

before – sebelum                    = Past Perfect – before -  Past Tense
after – sebelum                      = Past Tense – after -  Past Perfect
until – hingga                          = Past Tense – until – Past Perfect
as soon as – secepatnya         = Past Tense – as soon as – Past Perfect

example :
(+)        They had been at home before noon
(-)        I hadn’t walked for an hour when I met you
(?)        Had he studied English for a year when I began it ?

d.      Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang sudah dimulai pada waktu lampau dan masih berlangsung terus hingga pada waktu yang lampau pula.

Rumus :           S + had + been + (Verb I + ing)                       (+)
                        S + had + not + been + (Verb I + ing)              (-)
                        had + S + been + (Verb I +ing)                        (?)

Tanda waktu yang sering ditemukan dalam bentuk ini :

when               = ketika
for                   = selama

example :
(+)        He had been studying when I met him
(-)        He had not been studying when I met him
(?)        Had he been studying when I met him ?

2.       Present Tense ( Waktu Sekarang )
a.      Simple Present Tense
Suatu bentuk kalimat yang menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang terjadi pada saat sekarang atau kejadian yang merupakan kebiasaan sehari-hari.

Rumus :                     S + Verb I + s/es                        (+)
                                    S + do/does + not + Verb I        (-)
                                    do/does + S + Verb I                  (?)

Kata Keterangan :
1.       Keterangan waktu (adverbial of time)
example :
everyday                                 = setiap hari
every week                  = setiap minggu
every month                = setiap bulan
in the morning                        = di pagi hari
owadays                                  = saat sekarang

2.       Keterangan tempat (adverbial of place)
example :
here                             = di sini
there                           = di sana

3.      Keterangan frekuensi (adverbial of frequency)
example :
always                         = selalu
usually                         = biasanya
sometimes                              = kadang-kadang
seldom                        = jarang
often                            = seringkali
generally                                 = umumnya
never                           = tidak pernah
once in a while                        = sekali-kali
occasionally                = kadang-kadang
regularly                                 = secara teratur

Pemakaian :
1.       Untuk menyatakan kegiatan rutin atau kebiasaan sehari-hari.

example :
(+)        She goes to school everyday
(-)        She does not go to school everyday
(?)        Does she go to school everyday ?

2.       Untuk menyatakan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung pada waktu sekarang.
(+)        I understand the problem now
(-)        I do not understand the problem now
(?)        Do I understand the problem now ?

3.      Untuk menyatakan kebenaran atau kenyataan umum.
example :
The sun rises in the east.
A week has seven days.

b.      Present Continuous Tense
Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang sedang berlangsung dan belum selesai diwaktu sekarang.

Rumus :           S + to be (am/is/are) + (Verb I + ing) + ...                  (+)
                                    S + to be (am/is/are) + not + (Verb I + ing)                (-)
                                    to be (am/is/are) + S + (Verb I + ing)                         (?)

Keterangan waktu yang biasa dipergunakan dalam bentuk ini :

now                                         = sekarang
right now                                 = saat ini
at present                                = pada saat ini
today                                       = hari ini
this afternoon                         = sore ini
this evening                             = malam ini
tomorrow                                = besok
next week                                = minggu depan
next year                                 = tahun depan
soon                                         = segera

Pemakaian :
1.       Untuk menyatakan waktu sekarang.

example :
(+)        I am eating lunch now
(-)        I am not eating lunch now
(?) Am I eating lunch now ?

2.   Untuk menyatakan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung di waktu yang akan datang.
example :
(+)        Melly is walking to school tomorrow
(-)        Melly is not walking to school tomorrow
(?)        Is Melly  walking to school tomorrow ?

c.       Present Perfect Tense
Dipergunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang telah selesai diwaktu sekarang.

Rumus :           S + has/have + Verb III                        (+)
                                    S + has/have + not + Verb III               (-)
                                    has/have + S + Verb III                        (?)

Dimana :         S = I, we, they, you      ------------- have
                                    S = he, she, it               ------------- has

Tanda waktu yang sering di jumpai dalam bentuk ini :

once                            = sekali
twice                           = dua kali
many times                 = banyak sekali
several times              = beberapa kali
this week                     = minggu ini
this year                      = tahun ini
already                                    = sudah
since Monday              = sejak hari Senin
at last                          = pada akhirnya
lot yet                          = belum
lately                           = akhir-akhir ini
since yesterday           = sejak kemarin

                        example :
                        (+)        I have been in Australia before
                        (-)        She has not seen this movie three times
                        (?)        Have you eaten you bread ?
d.      Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang dimulai dari waktu lampau dan masih terus berlangsung hingga waktu sekarang.

Rumus :           S + has/have + been + (Verb I + ing)                          (+)
                                    S + has/have + not + been + (Verb I + ing)                 (-)
                                    has/have + S + been + (Verb I + ing)                          (?)

Tanda waktu yang sering di jumpai dalam bentuk ini :

for                               = selama
since                            = sejak
long                             = lama
the whole day            = sepanjang hari
for over two years      = selama lebih dua tahun
since six o’clock          = sejak jam enam
the whole night           = semalam suntuk

example :
(+)        They have been watching television since morning
(-)        They have not been watching television since morning
(?)        Have they  been watching television since morning ?

3.      Future Tense ( Waktu yang Akan Datang )
a.      Simple Future Tense
Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa pada waktu akan datang sederhana.

Rumus :           S + shall/will + Verb I                          (+)
                                    S + shall/will + not + Verb I                 (-)
                                    shall/will + S + Verb I                          (?)

Keterangan waktu yang sering dipakai :

tonight                                     = nanti malam
tomorrow                                = besok
the day after tomorrow          = lusa
next week                                = minggu depan
next month                              = bulan depan
soon                                         = segera

example :
(+)        We shall visit our friend the day after tomorrow
(-)        We shall not visit our friend the day after tomorrow
(?)        Shall we visit our friend the day after tomorrow ?

b.      Future Continuous Tense
Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang sedang berlangsung pada waktu tertentu di masa yang akan datang.

Rumus :           S + shall/will + be + (Verb I + ing)                  (+)
                                    S + shall/will + not + be + (Verb I + ing)         (-)
                                    shall/will + S + be + (Verb I + ing)                    (?)

Dimana :         S = I, we                       ------------- shall
                                    S = you, he, she, it       ------------- will

Keterangan waktu yang sering dipakai :

by this time tomorrow            = pada saat ini besok
by this time next week            = pada saat ini minggu depan
all day tomorrow                    = sepanjang hari besok
at seven o’clock tonight          = pada jam tujuh nanti malam

example :
(+)        I shall be coming to your office by this time next week
(-)        I shall not be coming to your office by this time next week
(?)        Shall I be coming to your office by this time next week ?

c.       Future Perfect Tense
Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang sudah dimulai pada waktu lampau dan segera selesai pada waktu yang akan datang.

Rumus :     S + shall/will + have + Verb III                                    (+)
                              S + shall/will + not + have + Verb III               (-)
                              shall/will + S + have + Verb III                                    (?)

Keterangan waktu yang sering dipakai :

by the end of this week                 = pada akhir minggu ini
by the end of next month              = pada akhir bulan depan
by this time next year                               = pada saat ini tahun depan

example :
(+)  They will have gone to Bandung by the end of next week
(-)   They will not have gone to Bandung by the end of next week
(?)  Will they have gone to Bandung by the end of next week ?

d.      Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang sudah dilakukan pada waktu akan datang tetapi masih berlangsung pada waktu akan datang.

Rumus :           S + shall/will + have + been + (Verb I + ing)                                       (+)
                                    S + shall/will + not + have + been + (Verb I + ing)                 (-)
                                    shall/will + S + have + been + (Verb I + ing)                           (?)

Keterangan waktu yang sering digunakan :

by the end of the year                         = pada akhir tahun
by the end of ...                                   = pada akhir ...
for ... years by next month                   = untuk ... tahun bulan depan                      

example :
(+)        He will have been studying here five months by the end of June
(-)        He will not have been studying here five months by the end of June
(?)        Will he have been studying here five months by the end of June ?

Berikut ini adalah contoh soal Verb phrases and Tenses.
Selamat mengerjakan ! :)

1. Tika and I are going to visit our college friend tomorrow.
a. are going to visit
b. going
c. are going

2. My parents knew I would get a good GMAT score.
a. would get a good GMAT score
b. would get
c. get

3. I do finish what I’ve started.
a. do
b. do finish
c. finish

4. I have not met him yet.
a. have not met
b. have met
c. have not met him

5. He won’t have been sleeping long when you pick him up.
a. won’t have been sleeping long
b. won’t have been sleeping
c. will have been sleeping

6. She is walking down the hill now.
a. is walking
b. walking
c. is walking down

7. You should often clean your cats’ bowl.
a. should clean
b. often clean
c. should often clean

8. They will also try the traditional food when visiting Egypt.
a. will try
b. try
c. will also try

9. Julia doesn’t hate working on saturdays.
a. doesn’t hate working
b. does hate
c. does hate working

10. My nephew wants to be a doctor.
a. wants
b. wants to be a doctor
c. wants to be

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