Selasa, 28 Juli 2015

Special Allocation Funds For District can Revoked If It Happens

This year, the government menalokasikan Special Allocation Fund (DAK) of Rp 19.046 billion for each district. DAK is aimed at the development of infrastructure and economic development in the region.

But Agriculture Minister Suleiman Amran threatened to revoke these funds are no districts where agricultural commodity production is not increased or decreased when compared to the previous year.

"If there is regent whose production is still down, the budget will be 0 right," he said Temanggung, Central Java, on Tuesday (28/07/2015).

He explained that, to date there have been 26 counties were getting bad performance because food production is not decreasing, and not in accordance with the target.

"April-September we'll give you if you can not, a budget of Rp 200 billion to Rp 400 billion, we switch to a district that would work," he said.

For agricultural areas, Amran hope DAK can be used to build infrastructure to support agriculture such as irrigation, ponds and others.

Just for information, based on Presidential Decree Number 162 Year 2014 about the details Budget 2015, the government allocated DAK 2015 amounting to Rp 19.046 billion for each district. (Dny / ndw).

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